Arkansas Business Name Search

Learn how to do an Arkansas business entity name search online with the Arkansas Secretary of State’s website.

Arkansas Secretary Of State Business Search: What’s it?

Arkansas Secretary Of State Business Search is required to verify that the LLC name an entity would like register is still available. These steps will help you search for an Arkansas LLC.

  • Visit the Business Entity Search Page
  • Select the appropriate type of corporation from the drop-down menu.
  • Please enter the LLC name in “Name”, but don’t include LLC
  • Click “Search” and you will find Arkansas related businesses.

To check this state’s website, business owners should also consult the United States Patent and Trademark Office to determine if they have any rights conflicts that might prevent them from registering the business name.

Tips to Conducting an Arkansas Secretary of State Business Search

The following fields are ignored:

  • Fictitious name
  • Register Agent
  • RA City
  • Filing

If you don’t find any records, you can register the LLC name as your business.

Filing Articles to Organization

You can establish an LLC within the state of Arkansas by filing Articles of Organization to the Arkansas Secretary of State. You will need the following information when you file articles

  • The name and address for the LLC
  • The registered Agent
  • Whether the organization will be managed by a manager

Information on Secretary of State Filing

The Arkansas Secretary Of State charges $45 to file an article of organization online and $50 to submit paper forms. Your filing will be recorded the day it is received. However, if it’s submitted after 3 p.m. it will be recorded on the next day.

According to Act 1008 (2008), just because you file for an entity title does NOT mean that you are automatically granted the right to use it by the Arkansas Secretary of State. You will receive a printed copy of your application once you have filed the form.

If they have any further questions about your filing, they’ll call you at this number.

Preparing an Operating Contract

In the case sole proprietorship or partnership, if your plan is to use a name other than the owner’s, you must apply for a “doing business under” agreement. Then, you can register the company with the county clerk using the AssumedName Certificate issued. Additionally, your fictitious business name must be registered with the Arkansas Secretary-of-State.

It is crucial that an IRS employee identification (EIN) number be obtained for any LLC with more than one member. This applies even if the LLC does not have employees. By submitting an online application to the IRS, you can apply for the EIN number.

Register for Arkansas tax

Once you have the operating agreement in place, it is time to apply for licenses that are appropriate for your company and industry. In order to register for taxation, you will need identification numbers. You can apply different business taxation systems to new entities.

  • Withholding tax
  • Sales and use taxes
  • Unemployment insurance tax
  • Franchise tax

Visit the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration’s Tax page for more information. Here you will find answers to all your questions.

All LLCs are required to pay the Arkansas Secretary Of State a minimum $150 tax

Each year, you will need to submit W-4 and HTML2 Form which details your withheld tax and wages.

Frequently Asked Question

  • Who is eligible to be a registered representative?

An Arkansas resident can register as a registered agent. This includes any person or business that is registered with the Arkansas Secretary-of-State.

  • Arkansas: How does an LLC get created?

By submitting an Article of Organization, you can create an LLC.

  • How do I ensure that my selected LLC name is identifiable?

It is important that your new LLC name is unique and different from other Arkansas businesses.